Disco Table Videos

I’ve been meaning to post videos of the disco table in action.  It’s great getting a few pics of it, but watching it do its magic is much more fun.  So here are a few of the effects it can do.  Make sure to switch to HD if they look a little fuzzy.

Equalizer: Five band graphic equalizer effect changing in real-time to whatever music is playing in the room (I figured Daft Punk was appropriate). It can visualize conversations and any other noise too.  This is usually what gets left on at parties.  Skip to 1:50 to see it in the dark and when the song picks up a bit.

Sparkle: The sparkle effect that comes up when the table is turned on.  It’s not triggered by music, but it’s hypnotic.

Ripple: The ripple effect can be triggered by music and other bass sounds in the room or just continuously repeat.

Spinner: This effect shows off the LED dimming that the table is capable of.  Not much to it.

Patterns: A random sequence of patterns that can be triggered by music in the room.  This is basically what the original Daft Punk table did.

Text: The two ways the disco table can display text, scrolling and flashing.

Snake: A basic implementation of the classic game snake using the remote control to turn the snake.  It grows by one box every time it eats the flashing “food”.